Thursday 5 March 2015

I do NOT accept that Islam is a religion of peace but instead seeks world domination, SO if we 'infidels' look on the Muslims with suspicion, that is their problem

Can anyone find anything slightly familiar in the text below that justifies

the shit we are getting from the muslims at the moment?

Tuesday 3 March 2015

The term “Islamophobia” was invented and promoted in the early 1990s by the International Institute for Islamic Thought (IIIT), a front group of the Muslim Brotherhood. Former IIIT member Abdur-Rahman Muhammad -- who was with that organization when the word was formally created, and who has since rejected IIIT's ideology -- now reveals the original intent behind the concept of Islamophobia: “This loathsome term is nothing more than a thought-terminating cliche conceived in the bowels of Muslim think tanks for the purpose of beating down critics.” In short, in its very origins, “Islamophobia” was a term designed as a weapon to advance a totalitarian cause by stigmatizing critics and silencing them. read more

Another senseless killing: humanist blogger Avijit Roy is hacked to death Another body on the streets of Dhaka. Fearless blogger Avijit Roy, described by his fellow blogger Asif Mohiuddin as 'the Richard Dawkins of Bangladesh', has been killed. His wife was also butchered, and is in a critical condition. We published a statement last week condemning the attack and also the Bangladeshi authorities, who according to the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) knew of credible death threats against Avijit. Avijit was not the first atheist blogger to die for his right to free of expression in Bangladesh. Ahmed Rajib Haider was killed the same way in 2013: cleavered and butchered in the streets of Dakha. In our statement, we urged greater international attention to the plight suffered by non-religious people in countries all over the world. This is something we have also been highlighting through the End Blasphemy Laws coalition, which points out that brave people like Anvijit are dying all the time not only at the hands of terrorists, but of states too.