Thursday 22 April 2010

Burkha Fashion Week


The best way to deal with Burkha/Niqab wearing people is to ignore them.
If they choose to hide their identity then they are (de-facto) invisible and should be treated so.

Refusing to speak, listen or acknowledge them within banks businesses etc will encourage employers implement and enforce a 'Face-to Face' section in the Company Policy document.

I believe the wearing of religious apparel is inappropriate in almost all work related and educational circumstances.

Religios opinions, if you have any, belong inside your head and are strictly between you and your chosen imaginary friend.........

The best way to deal with Burkha wearing people is to ignore them.
If they chooose to hide thier identity then they are (de-facto) invisible and should be treated so.
Refusing to speak, listen or acknowledge them within banks businesses etc. will make the employers enforce a Face-to Face policy.

I beleive the wearing of religious apparell is inapropriate in almost all circumstances.

Religious beliefs, if you have any, belong inside your head and is strictly between you and your chosen immaginary friend.

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Johnson Beharry VC

Many have the wish but few get the opportunity to express, in tangible terms, what millions think of unelected Brown.
In strict terms of protocol - yes he was wrong - however protocol protects Prime Ministers from the real world.
They are surrounded by sychophants all too anxious to protect their own positions and pensions. Senior officers included!
Beharry brought Brown face to face with his failings and let him know the general feelings of the majority of those serving.
As a 30 year soldier/officer I was often told 'not to rock the boat' and to my eternal discredit I didn't.
Brown has not earned respect - it must be commanded NOT demanded by dint of status.

Behold Beharry - Best friend of the Armed Forces.

Read more:

Sunday 4 April 2010

Virgins anyone?

If a man gets 72 virgins for martyring himself, what do you suppose this Moscow maniac female got?
72 Chippendales?
And, one must ask, what do they do with their 'reward'?
Would selestial sex outside marriage be punished in the same Sharia way as it is down here in the real world?
Personally I think the followers of Islam have got such a crummy existance that they use these incidents as an excuse to shed their mortal coil - shame about the poor innocents who happened to be in the vicinity.
And you can shove your fatwa's up your fatah's.

Saturday 3 April 2010

Bureaucratic bungling beggars belief!

More bureaucratic hassle for foreigners in Spain

A new bureaucratic hurdle for the ‘foreigners’ erected by the Spanish Administration, which emanated from INE (Instituto Nacional de Estadística). The registration in the “Padron Municipal” (list of habitants) must now be renewed every second year. If one does not re-register as the bureaucrats demand one will automatically be kicked out of the list and lose the benefits of being on the Padron: losing discounts on local taxes, voting rights etc.

A visit to the town hall does not sound too bad but the problem lies in the requirement to present at the registration a document from the National Police station confirming your NIE (Foreigners Identification Number). It must be a recent document, any bureaucrat may refuse one which he/she considers too old. More queues for you. One must also take their ‘Original ID.’ For many citizens, who do not have a valid Residence Card (not the paper certificate) or a National ID card, the only valid ID is their original passport, not a copy!

In addition to the many foreigners now actively selling their dwellings and leaving Spain, this new measure will certainly lead to other foreigners being forced out of the Padron because they do not know about the new rule, while others will refuse to be herded around and stand in the long queues.

Others may think: This is only for the citizens from outside the EU or EEC, certainly not for European citizens, but it applies to all non-Spanish European citizens.

It should be noted that whilst this ‘new instruction’ from Instituto Nacional de Estadística has applied to some parts of Spain for the past eighteen months, however some Municipalities, such as Mijas, have not heard of it. Mijas is currently investigating the situation.