Saturday 19 June 2010

Rooney opens his foul mouth! He should have put his foot in it!

Like it or not, we are all Ambassadors for our respective countries!
To the greater or lesser extent our conduct, good bad or indifferent, is what influences the perception of other citizens of other countries around the globe.

The rude, self-pitying and obnoxious Rooney displayed to the same global spectators what will no doubt become one of the most quotable quotes for the future. Albeit a negative one!

After a lifetime of trying to ignore football and all it entails, even I have to acknowledge that Mr Rooney et al displayed the very worst in talent and tact when facing one of the 'minnows' of the tournament, Algeria. The England 'team' (and I use this terms in its widest possible interpretation) were lacklustre, limp and leaderless and in being so deprived the fans of their money under false pretences.

Having performed so dismally, any other public performer in any other context would find themselves in possession of a P45 this morning; however Rooney and his coterie will be pocketing vast amounts of undeserved cash and pecuniary advantages.

One can only hope that the football 'Wags' were similarly disappointed and that they will be withholding their conjugal favours until the dreamy, dreary and now desperate eleven get their act together and start to play the game.

Ambassadors they aint..............