Thursday, 20 October 2011

British veterans 'should not be allowed to wear medals awarded by other Commonwealth nations

It was mine and WOI Peter Padley's honour and priviledge to organise and arrange for 155 former military personell to be awarded the PJM at a ceremony in Alicante in 2007. The ceremony was presided over by The Malaysian Defence Attache, Colonel Tadjri Alwi who gave a moving and eloquent eulogy to the assembled 450 recipients and families present. The damp eyes evident amongst the veterans as they were awarded their PJM was clear to see. How dare the armchair warriors in the Commons even speak about these people who are evidently now part of yet another of Britains 'Forgotten Armies'.

It's peculiar how the Assies and the Kiwis have official permission from the Queen to wear the PJM but her own British subjects cannot! What happened to the Commonwealth????????????

In reality, there is no way of policing this foolish piece of legislation! The current survivors of the 'Confrontation' (a euphemism if ever there was one) who spent a year or more in the stinking, hot and humid jungles of Borneo, often in great danger from the enemy, have been given a legitimate gift by the Malaysian Government. No medal-less politician can even imagine the circumstances let alone judge who should display the award. Oddly, I also officially wear the Pingat Laila Tugas presented by the Sultan of Brunei and this, in their infinite wisdom, is OK to display. Double standards and duplicity from the back-benches as usual. Worse from DC who promised, in oposition, to allow us to wear the PJM.
David Mills - Captain (Retd)GSM&Bar,LSGC,PLT,PJM.

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More Dale farm

The reason that the overwhelming majority of people are pleased to see the eviction go ahead is not because they are prejudiced against travellers but because they are prejudiced against people who don't recognise the rule of law.

Their female spokesperson for the travellers was happy enough with the judicial process when the High Court allowed a stay of execution a few weeks back. When they exhausted their legal remedies, they showed their true colours: erecting barricades, stock-piling weapons, hurling bricks in the faces of law enforcement personnel, whingeing when those same personnel used taser to defend themselves, and encouraging anarchists to help them with their dirty work.
And as for the £18 million which the eviction might cost. This is not money which Basildon Council has squandered; it's money they would like to have spent on other much needed public services but couldn't because they had to uphold the law. The travellers themselves, by their refusal to negotiate and refusal to obey the law, have forced the Council spend this money. I have the greatest sympathy for the long suffering residents of Crays Hill, the tax payers of Basildon and any other community forced to endure the scourge of lawless anti-social travellers and the cost of their removal.
If travellers want rights, they must first recognise the existence of obligations, first and foremost the obligation to obey the law. Then maybe those who voted so overwhelmingly in the poll for their eviction to go ahead, may start to accord them the same respect given to other minority groups.

Dale Farm

As for this 'culturally appropriate' housing charade, this is the UK. Here, we have British culture, seeing as this is Britain (funny how that works, isnt it...but appears to completely mystify some characters) and if people want some other sort of culture, maybe they should avail themselves of their total freedom to bugger off and locate it, wherever it is.
We are under no obligation to offer anything special, tailor-made etc., to anyone at all.
When you have earned enough money to arrange your life as you feel you'd like it, then that's one thing. Some people thnk that it is their right to demand, free of charge, any damn thing they can dream up, at no personal cost whatsoever.
Such people are known as piss takers.
I must also ask why is it that the Police are ostracised for carrying out a very difficult task not of their making, whilst the protestors, who started the violence, are not even mildly rebuked?
These protestors and occupiers were told quite clearly by the Courts that what they were doing was against the laws of this Country. There may well be other issued regarding what the Council has, or has not, done and it's responsibilities. That is a matter of Civil Law and not within the Police remit. What happened to good old common sense and justice being exhibited by these protestors?

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned.


Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned.