Thursday 20 October 2011

Dale Farm

As for this 'culturally appropriate' housing charade, this is the UK. Here, we have British culture, seeing as this is Britain (funny how that works, isnt it...but appears to completely mystify some characters) and if people want some other sort of culture, maybe they should avail themselves of their total freedom to bugger off and locate it, wherever it is.
We are under no obligation to offer anything special, tailor-made etc., to anyone at all.
When you have earned enough money to arrange your life as you feel you'd like it, then that's one thing. Some people thnk that it is their right to demand, free of charge, any damn thing they can dream up, at no personal cost whatsoever.
Such people are known as piss takers.
I must also ask why is it that the Police are ostracised for carrying out a very difficult task not of their making, whilst the protestors, who started the violence, are not even mildly rebuked?
These protestors and occupiers were told quite clearly by the Courts that what they were doing was against the laws of this Country. There may well be other issued regarding what the Council has, or has not, done and it's responsibilities. That is a matter of Civil Law and not within the Police remit. What happened to good old common sense and justice being exhibited by these protestors?