Thursday 9 February 2012

The trouble with this government..nobody has had any experience of anything....job or life. Hence they make daft judgements on how we and everybody ought to lead their lives.
I mean you wouldn't pick any of them in a job interview would you??

Q. Have you any experience?
A. No, none what so ever.
Q. What makes you think your qualified for the post?
A. I once worked for a previous guy in politics and all my friends at school said I should have a shot at I would be good at it.
Q. So no previous employment in industry then?
A. Afraid not old boy.
Q. ...prehaps in commerce then??
A. didn't have the chance old boy...the careers officer at school said my type ought to be running the country..because that's what we do.
Q. O I see, surely you thought perhaps of serving your country..perhaps joining one of the service's...get out and see the world a bit..some experience and see how others live, see what's it all about?
A. But I might be shot at and even worse may happen and then who's going to run the country??
Q. O quite, good point....well you seem a perfectly qualified candidate to lead the Conservative party and the country. Just one last question...'You do shoot, don't you?'
A. 'O yes rather....that's one thing I'm quite good at'
Q.. What's the other??
A. Telling other people what to do.
Q. O yes, I can see your quite good at that.
A. O I think so too..
Q. Mind you Prime Minister, you do have a lot of experience.