Sunday 15 November 2015

Well, what more shock, horror, disgust and sadness can be expressed?
We have been aware for some time that the religious zealots have unleashed the 'dogs of war'and so we must now respond in kind.
NEVER use a muslim shop or any form of service provided by someone of this distorted, 'so-called' religion!
NEVER buy any known product produced by or for them!
NEVER even acknowledge their very existance.
Whilst carrying out these subtle actions, remember to write to your MP and demand action to remove them from our society/country.
Spread the word!
Be prepared!

Thursday 15 October 2015

And REMEMBER folks, Islam is a religion NOT a race!
Therefore, criticise at your are NOT being racist.

Sunday 4 October 2015

Syria has had a civil war for almost 5 YEARS. Why all the "refugees" NOW and why so all of a SUDDEN and why in such VAST NUMBERS?
With an Honors degree in History and a lifelong student of the subject, I smell a rat.
This is a highly organized, well oiled, mobilized invasion of Muslims and Jihadists into the Western World. It's been in their plan for a long time. Momar Gadhafi predicted and explicitly stated that Muslim domination of Europe would happen without a conventional war and he said it 30 years ago. 95% of these economic "refugees" many who have cellphones are men between the fighting ages of 20 and 40. Very few women and children from everything I've seen.
Odd that the 5 wealthiest Arab States including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait are taking "no refugees" thanks and feel quite self righteous about it. No guilt what so ever? They are even laughing at us for doing so.
Ask yourself, why would Germany Belgium, Holland, France, Sweden and others want to destroy their own cultures from within? It doesn't make any sense? If this keeps up Europe will be burning daily within a very short few years if not months. Civil war in the streets between civilizations. Muslims vs Kefirs, that is to say, everyone who is not a Muslim.
Unfortunately, the reality is that Muslims are just not like any other immigrants. They don't want to assimilate, they want to set up separate enclaves and implement Sharia Law. Another problem is that while the civilized West rightly abhors violence, conversely Muslims daily display their love of violence. They live it and embrace it. In many Muslim countries public beheadings and stoning to death for adultery for example. It's a part of their culture precisley because Islam is, dare I say it, a death cult.
Islam is a supremacist, totalitarian, bigoted, fascist political ideology masquerading as a religion. It literally means "submission". The Quran MANDATES death for blasphamy, for adultery, for apostasy, for family honor, for being gay, Jewish or a Kafer as well as ten other "crimes" many not even considered to be so in the West. Death for drinking alcohol or taking illegal drugs for example.
Why let in vast numbers of these brainwashed people especially men of that age when past experience has already demonstrated the tragedy, not to mention the financial, social, and political costs of rampant multiculturalism in Europe. Ordinary citizens are against this immigration but strangely, their governments are not?
Someone or some organization is pulling some strings here is what I see. Is this invasion part of the New World Order's plan to depopulate the planet? Maybe there's not even any such an organization but it's all over U-tube and other social media.
The major media are implicit in selling gullible citizens of the West the righteousness of the "refugees" cause and openly siding against Western culture. One drowned child's picture in the right places sparks outrage and sympathy world wide for the movement and resettlement of vast numbers of Muslims.
However the implementation of Sharia Law, No Go Zone ghettos in most countries in Europe and Muslim rape gangs go unreported. In radical Islamist countries honor killings, beheadings, stoning's, cutting off limbs, whipping and torture, pedophilia, child bride marriages, rape and misogyny go unreported DAILY and are dismissed as culturally ingrained.
Where is the indignity and the outrage over people doing this every day to their own populations? Yet a staged picture a drowned baby on a beach sparks a world outcry?
Muslim birthrates are 8 children per family while Europeans average 1.4. When these current millions bring in their multiple wives, children and extended families 85% of whom live on state benefits (England's experience) you can multiply their number by at least 10x, maybe 20x or even more.
By 2050 Europe will be Muslim dominated just by demographics alone. When their numbers are sufficient they will legally vote in their own kind and then Sharia Law.
Europe as we know it will be lost forever. Two thousand years of civilization will be destroyed by the same fanatical bearded, bigoted, brutal, boneheaded, belligerent bastards who are now slaughtering their own kind and blowing up ancient and irreplaceable world heritage buildings, monuments, books, manuscripts and other historically significant art treasures in Iraq, Syria and other conquered territories.
Canada should not get sucked into this quagmire of political correctness just to show how polite, civilized. politically correct and Canadian we are. We should learn a lesson from our Australian counterparts.

Wednesday 30 September 2015

And THIS my friends, is what will be happening in the UK very shortly. Unless of course YOU do something about it.

Friday 11 September 2015

The current migrant/refugee is without doubt, invasion by stealth! The vast majority are Muslims who will settle, breed and outnumber us in a very short space of time! Soon, very soon, we will be a minority and murdered by the very people we are assisting. There is no such thing as a 'moderate' Muslim as you will see when the Ayatollahs, clerics and Imams order them from the mosque to carry out their Islamic duty and obligation to purge the world of 'unbelievers.

Wednesday 1 April 2015

RELIGION: Religion

is a form of brain assault that is mental rather than physical but it is meant to damage the subjects perception of reality and is a deliberate act intended to damage the damage the mind of that individual. Certainly this is part of a religion but do not be deceived by that because, in my opinion, the organised religions have far lower standards of morality and ethics than the non religious and many things done in the name of religion involve cruelty and mental torture. There is no proof that there was ever supernatural influence on any book or doctrine but there is proof that such claims breach the laws of physics. So always ask why you should believe that and where is the proof. That it is in a book or someone told you so does not constitute proof of anything so nothing can be justified by any written words.

Thursday 5 March 2015

I do NOT accept that Islam is a religion of peace but instead seeks world domination, SO if we 'infidels' look on the Muslims with suspicion, that is their problem

Can anyone find anything slightly familiar in the text below that justifies

the shit we are getting from the muslims at the moment?

Tuesday 3 March 2015

The term “Islamophobia” was invented and promoted in the early 1990s by the International Institute for Islamic Thought (IIIT), a front group of the Muslim Brotherhood. Former IIIT member Abdur-Rahman Muhammad -- who was with that organization when the word was formally created, and who has since rejected IIIT's ideology -- now reveals the original intent behind the concept of Islamophobia: “This loathsome term is nothing more than a thought-terminating cliche conceived in the bowels of Muslim think tanks for the purpose of beating down critics.” In short, in its very origins, “Islamophobia” was a term designed as a weapon to advance a totalitarian cause by stigmatizing critics and silencing them. read more

Another senseless killing: humanist blogger Avijit Roy is hacked to death Another body on the streets of Dhaka. Fearless blogger Avijit Roy, described by his fellow blogger Asif Mohiuddin as 'the Richard Dawkins of Bangladesh', has been killed. His wife was also butchered, and is in a critical condition. We published a statement last week condemning the attack and also the Bangladeshi authorities, who according to the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) knew of credible death threats against Avijit. Avijit was not the first atheist blogger to die for his right to free of expression in Bangladesh. Ahmed Rajib Haider was killed the same way in 2013: cleavered and butchered in the streets of Dakha. In our statement, we urged greater international attention to the plight suffered by non-religious people in countries all over the world. This is something we have also been highlighting through the End Blasphemy Laws coalition, which points out that brave people like Anvijit are dying all the time not only at the hands of terrorists, but of states too.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

The more I hear about that most illogical drivel they call Islam, the more I am inclined to fight against it! Not in a 'Fatwah' type of way but more of a Mahatma Gandhi style of reaction. I have decided that Islam and Muslims 'do not exist'. In practice, it's very simple, just ignore anyone who purports to be or is obviously a follower of the world's most corrosive so-called, religious element. Never again will I speak to or be spoken to by an obvious Muslim. Never again will I do any kind of business with a person who wears rags around their head, wears face covering or baggy trousers. (Apologies to Madness). By following this trend, we can, collectively, freeze out the undesirable elements who are making our lives a misery by their inability to think outside their chosen/instilled peculiar way of living. Join me if you will in our slow but effective degrading of the foundations that form part of their culture but NOT ours. A pox on the whole lot of them from Mr Allah, Mr Mohamed and all the others who follow.